Last year, we introduced structured custom search. If you mark up your pages with custom metadata attributes, you can render them with your search results, and also restrict results based on specific attribute values.
Last year, we introduced structured custom search. If you mark up your pages with custom metadata attributes, you can render them with your search results, and also restrict results based on specific attribute values.

Today, we’re happy to be releasing 2 additional metadata features:
  • Sort by Attribute: order search results based on values of specific attributes
  • Restrict to Range: only return search results with attributes within a defined range
For example, if you mark up your pages with custom metadata attributes, like dates, ratings and prices, you can order your search results by these attributes, such as sort by date, bias towards highly rated items, or restrict to a specific price range., a California news portal, uses the new Sort by Attribute feature in conjunction with the Google Custom Search Element to render recent stories with photos in the results:

SignOnSanDiego uses the new sort operator. The sort operator comes in several flavors, from a mild bias to strict sort ordering; uses a strong bias towards the publication date to ensure readers see not only the most relevant, but also timely news.

To implement the new features, you must mark up the pages you are searching with the attributes you want to use. You can do this via PageMaps; the PageMap used by SignOnSanDiego looks like this:

<DataObject type="date">
<Attribute name="displaydate" value="Wednesday, August 25, 2010"/>
<Attribute name="sdate" value="20100825"/>

<DataObject type="thumbnail">
<Attribute name="src" value=""/>
<Attribute name="width" value="100"/>

SignOnSanDiego’s publication date is stored in the DataObject of type ‘date’ as the Attribute named ‘sdate’; to specify this field you combine the type and name into a single field ‘date-sdate’. To apply Sort by Attribute over date-sdate, you set the sort option in the search code for the Element as shown below:

var options = {};
options[] = {'sort': 'date-sdate:d:s'};
customSearchControl = new'000525776413497593842:aooj-2z_jjm', options);
The sort option {'sort': 'date-sdate:d:s'} takes a combined attribute name, like ‘date-sdate’, and several optional parameters separated by colons. In this case, SignOnSanDiego has specified sorting in descending order (d) using the strong bias (s) flavor of the operator. Without qualifiers, the default is to use a descending order with a hard sort. You can also choose to sort in ascending order (a), or use a weak sort flavor (w) or explicitly specify a strict hard sort (h).

The sort option also enables the Restrict to Range feature. For example a site like SignOnSanDiego might enable users to search for articles published in the last week. To implement this, you can set the sort options to “date-sdate:r:20101206:20101213”. This again uses the combined attribute name (date-sdate), but instead restricts to the range (r) of specified values (20101206:20101213). Multiple operators can be combined in the sort option using a comma. For example, to combine SignOnSanDiego’s strong bias with the above date restriction, you would specify “date-sdate:d:s,date-sdate:r:20101206:20101213”.

The Sort by Attribute and Restrict to Range features are a powerful new set of options that gives you a great deal of control over your search application, allowing you to use custom attributes to order and restrict your search results in very powerful ways for your users. For example, a movie review site can display the most highly rated movies released within the last week by combining distinct attributes in the sort operator, e.g., “review-rating,release-date:r:20101206:20101213”.

A few more tips:
1. With custom data rendering, you can customize your results even further.
2. You can always validate your metadata markup with the use of the rich snippet preview tool.
3. If you are not using the Element, you can always use the same sort options in the sort URL parameter, e.g., “&sort=date-sdate”.

For more details on these new features, please refer to our documentation. As always, we’re looking to you for feedback.

Today, we announced the Google APIs console, a new tool to help you use our product APIs in your applications and on your websites. Included in the console is a new Custom Search API.
Today, we announced the Google APIs console, a new tool to help you use our product APIs in your applications and on your websites. Included in the console is a new Custom Search API.

We’ve enhanced our Custom Search offering with the introduction of new output formats and a new API. Now, in addition to using the Custom Search element or the XML API, the new API offers search results using your choice of Atom or JSON syndication formats. For more information, please refer to our post on the Google Code blog.

Query autocompletion has been the most popular feature in the history of Custom Search. Users love it, and websites use it to help people find alternate queries that get them to the right information faster.
Query autocompletion has been the most popular feature in the history of Custom Search. Users love it, and websites use it to help people find alternate queries that get them to the right information faster.

Since launch, one of the most commonly requested features has been administrative control over the autocompletions that surface when people start typing their queries. We’re happy to announce that you can now control inclusions and exclusions to autocompletions.

For example, on our sample restaurant review search engine, typing “che” triggers an autocompletion for “cheese” and not “cheese jalapeno poppers", one of our tasty snacks. Typing “chicken” did uncover “chicken livers” (ugh!) but did not propose “chicken tandoori”, an interesting menu item that we’d like to promote to our users.

With the new inclusion and exclusion options in the control panel, managing autocompletions is a breeze: we just added “cheese” and “chicken livers” to the list of exclusions, and inserted “chicken tandoori” and “cheese jalapeno poppers” into the included autocompletion list.

A few hours of processing, and the new autocomplete modifications kick in.

We hope you enjoy the new controls that further enhance autocompletions on your search engine. You can even upload included and excluded autocompletions in bulk in the control panel. Let us know if you have any feedback, and enjoy your spicy cheese poppers!

Last year, we took a big step forward towards improved customization of the look and feel of results by providing plug-n-play themes in the Custom Search Element. This allowed people to select from among a palette of predefined styles. You can find a style that matches your website and deploy search, or ...
Last year, we took a big step forward towards improved customization of the look and feel of results by providing plug-n-play themes in the Custom Search Element. This allowed people to select from among a palette of predefined styles. You can find a style that matches your website and deploy search, or further customize the style if required.

Today, we’re taking themes one step further. Each theme now has ads rendered with a different look and feel to match the overall style used for the search results.

The outcome is harmony between search results and ads, which we think makes for a great user experience. The following screenshots are examples of search results and ads rendered with three different themes - espresso, minimalist and green sky.

We hope you agree that your visitors will enjoy themed ads. As always, be sure to send us your feedback.

The folks at JibJab are good at doing two things: Making people laugh and... Okay, so maybe weʼre REALLY good at one thing: Making people laugh. Finding the perfect birthday eCard for your friends and family has always been a priority for us here at JibJab. We all felt that search would be the perfect compliment to our existing browsing experience and then we discovered ...

The folks at JibJab are good at doing two things: Making people laugh and... Okay, so maybe weʼre REALLY good at one thing: Making people laugh. Finding the perfect birthday eCard for your friends and family has always been a priority for us here at JibJab. We all felt that search would be the perfect compliment to our existing browsing experience and then we discovered Google Site Search ... our wildest dreams were about to become reality.

Seriously. We get search functionality without having to build search functionality.

The beauty of Google Site Search is that it can all be done with a small addition to your web page markup and no change to the back end of your web application.

Using the PageMaps functionality Site Search provides, we are able to embed metadata in our web pages that will be returned in our Site Search query results. This lets us format the data you are looking for in a very JibJabby way.

With features like Autocompletions and Refinements, we will be able to evolve the Site Search functionality on our site and help our users make people laugh for a long time to come.

One of the most requested features for Custom Search is autocompletion of queries. Today, we announced at Google I/O that you can now enable query autocompletions for your search engine.
One of the most requested features for Custom Search is autocompletion of queries. Today, we announced at Google I/O that you can now enable query autocompletions for your search engine.

The screenshot below shows an example of query autocompletion at Travelocity.

Custom Search autocompletion is similar to what you see on—optional queries appear as you type your query in the search box. However, behind the scenes, we do a lot of things differently. We created a different algorithm that uses data from multiple sources, including queries to your search engine, as well as keywords and phrases extracted automatically from the content of websites that your search engine covers.

Because the autocompleted queries are based, in part, on the specific content of the webpages covered by your search engine, we will not generate autocompletions for custom search engines that search the entire web, i.e., autocompletions will only work if you set your preferences to Search only included sites in the control panel.

To enable autocompletions, select Enable autocompletions in the Basics tab of the control panel.

After you’ve saved your settings, replace the code for the search box in your website with the search box code from the Get code tab and you're done. Please note that it can take a few hours for us to start generating autocompletion queries for your search engine.

If you are using the Custom Search Element with a theme, the autocompletions are styled to match the look and feel of your theme. Autocompletions will also work on high-end mobile devices.

We hope that you find the feature useful. As always, give us feedback so we can improve the feature.

The just-released Adobe® Creative Suite 5 (CS5) now includes a new Community Help application, powered by Google Site Search. It’s an Adobe AIR®-based companion that’s automatically installed as part of any new Adobe CS5 product.
The just-released Adobe® Creative Suite 5 (CS5) now includes a new Community Help application, powered by Google Site Search. It’s an Adobe AIR®-based companion that’s automatically installed as part of any new Adobe CS5 product.

Launched directly from the Help menu of any CS5 product, the Community Help application provides a customized search experience across about 3000 sites. Customers can find fast answers with powerful new options to focus results just on Adobe content, community content, developer resources, and even code samples.

The Adobe development team used the XML API to integrate search results and also create unique innovations such as Code Search. Formerly known as Blueprint (demonstrated at Google I/O last year) this new search option allows Adobe Flash® and Flex developers to search for relevant code samples so that they can write better code, faster.

Community Help can also be used as a standalone application. To give Community Help a try, you can download it from

To learn more about how Adobe Community Help uses Site Search, see our blog post on the Google Enterprise Blog.

Website owners who use Parallels Plesk Panel to manage their hosting and website services can now configure Custom Search and Site Search in a couple of clicks! As announced on the Google Blog ...
Website owners who use Parallels Plesk Panel to manage their hosting and website services can now configure Custom Search and Site Search in a couple of clicks! As announced on the Google Blog, Plesk now offers out-of-box integration with Google Services for Websites.

If you’re one of the millions of webmasters already using Plesk Panel, you can now easily add high-quality search to your websites via the Custom Search page shown above. Since Plesk Panel knows what domains you own, a drop-down list of your domains is conveniently offered for automatic configuration of the search engine, as shown below.

Once you’re done configuring your search engine, you can customize the search experience to match the look and feel of your website. As shown in the screenshot below, Plesk provides links that you can click to directly manage and customize your search engine with the Custom Search control panel -- you will be automatically logged in.

After you decide on the theme and layout for your search, you can get the search code to insert into your website so your users can easily find what they are looking for. Finally, you can also click through from Plesk to access your search statistics. If you want support and more control over advertising, branding, and indexing, you can initiate an upgrade to Site Search right from within Plesk.

We hope this will make it easier for you to manage your site search experience. As always, let us know if you have feedback.

Since the launch of Custom Search, we've been constantly pushing the customization envelope -- allowing users to tweak ranking, provide refinements, add promotions above results, change the look and feel, select from ...
Since the launch of Custom Search, we've been constantly pushing the customization envelope -- allowing users to tweak ranking, provide refinements, add promotions above results, change the look and feel, select from themes and modify layouts.

We did not stop there. We added support for custom synonyms, and the ability for website owners to mark up their content with structured metadata. With structured Custom Search, you can create results with rich snippets, e.g., thumbnails and actions.

Now, through Custom Search data rendering in the element, we’re providing you the ability to completely customize the layout of each result. With simple inline markup on the search page, you can override result attributes, decide how each result is formatted, control the size and location of thumbnails and highlight result metadata.

The screenshot below shows an example of formatted result blocks for a sample search based on data from Scribd -- thumbnails have been reduced in size, and a new line containing metadata, including an icon for document type, has been inserted into the result.

We hope you’ll use the power of data rendering in your own search. For a step by step guide on how you can control the data rendering in results with the Custom Search Element, please read our post on the Search API blog.

The Custom Search team is always working to provide more relevant results, and improving user queries is a big part of that goal. We've shown you how to create refinement labels ...
The Custom Search team is always working to provide more relevant results, and improving user queries is a big part of that goal. We've shown you how to create refinement labels for queries and create custom synonyms for your search engine. We have been working to improve the ease of management of these features.

Today, we're excited to announce that we've made it easier than ever for Custom Search and Site Search administrators to enable advanced synonym options. Now, you can add sets of synonyms specific to your website content and can also trigger search expansion, so that a query automatically triggers results for synonymous terms.

Google already has a large body of synonym data for general search terms, and since Custom Search lets you harness many of the search features of, you shouldn't bother replicating this functionality. Instead, focus on adding synonyms for queries specific to your website.

It's easy for you to add synonyms to your accounts; simply log into the control panel and add or delete search terms you want to trigger the synonym expansion. Or, if you have a large number of terms to add, you can create an XML file and quickly upload that to your account.

You can add up to 500 variants for each search engine. For more information you can check out the Custom Search API documentation.

As shown above, there's a new Synonyms link on the control panel. Try it out on your search engine.

With the launch of Custom Search themes, you have the ability to select from among a set of result styles, as well as decide on the layout for the search box and search results. Specifically, we offer commonly-used layouts ...
With the launch of Custom Search themes, you have the ability to select from among a set of result styles, as well as decide on the layout for the search box and search results. Specifically, we offer commonly-used layouts: full-width (search box and search results together), 2-column (search box and search results in separate areas of the webpage), and compact (perfect for search widgets on a page, as well as for mobile search results). These layouts all provide an in-line search experience so that users don’t need to leave the page they are currently on.

Some webmasters, however, prefer to have the search results show up on a different page from the search box, so we wanted to let you know how to do this. We have a detailed post on the AJAX API blog with specific instructions.

As always, let us know if you have other questions we can answer.

If you programmatically create and manage custom search engines, you are probably familiar with the XML format for Custom Search. The context file, which includes the specifications for the search engine, now has a richer ...
If you programmatically create and manage custom search engines, you are probably familiar with the XML format for Custom Search. The context file, which includes the specifications for the search engine, now has a richer look and feel section that lets you define the style of the search box and search results of your custom search engine. You can choose different types of result presentation—from Google hosted results to the Custom Search element—and retrieve the code for the search box that you insert into your webpages.

The Custom Search element gives you the greatest level of control, enabling you to match the look and feel of your search results to the rest of the rest of your website. As shown in the following screenshot, gdgt uses the Custom Search element to match the style of its website.

You can control many attributes in the look and feel. The following is a sample snippet that shows the new LookAndFeel XML element in the Custom Search context file. You can either select a design from a set of predefined themes or control the attributes individually.

<LookAndFeel code="4"
text_font="Arial, sans-serif">
<Colors url="#008000"
title_active="#0000CC" />
<Promotions title_color="#0000CC"
title_active_color="#0000CC" />
<SearchControls input_border_color="#BCCDF0"
tab_selected_background_color="#FFFFFF" />
<Results border_color="#FFFFFF"
background_hover_color="#FFFFFF" />

All the attributes and child elements of LookAndFeel are documented in the developer guide.

Kevin Glumbumble Lim, Technical Writer

Most Custom Search users choose to deploy a customized search experience on their own websites, using the inline Custom Search Element or an embedded iframe. However, some users choose to use the home page that we create automatically for every search engine. The hosted home page is also ...
Most Custom Search users choose to deploy a customized search experience on their own websites, using the inline Custom Search Element or an embedded iframe. However, some users choose to use the home page that we create automatically for every search engine. The hosted home page is also optimized for high-end mobile devices, such as the iPhone, iPod Touch and Android phones like the Droid or the Nexus One. The URL of the hosted home page looks like this:

You'll notice that we've made a few minor changes to the hosted home page. You're likely to see more changes to this page in the future as we make new features like themes available for the hosted home page.

You can get to this Google-hosted home page for your search engine from the Custom Search control panel by clicking on the name of your search engine anywhere in your control panel.

As always, we're always looking to get your feedback.