Custom Search provides upto 5000 URL patterns to define a “slice” of the web to search over. However, if you’re creating a Custom Search Engine on a topic, such as “global warming”, finding more than a few good sites for a topic can be hard. We recently launched
suggested sites to help suggest more sites for your search engine similar to your included sites.
Today, we’re introducing another tool that is hopefully intuitive as well as interesting : You can discover hundreds of sites to include in your CSE starting just with keywords! For example, for a CSE on “global warming”, adding keywords like [pollution], [global warming] and [greenhouse effect] can lead you to discover global warming related sites within minutes.
This tool attempts to combine Google’s knowledge with the topic expertise you have - Google suggests sites, but you can control the topic expansion, and guide the tool towards your topic in a fine grained way.

tool is accessible off of the
New Search Engine page on the Custom Search control panel. Give the tool a whirl, see more details on how the tool works in our
documentation, and let us know what you think on the
product forum.
Posted by: Vivek Sahasranaman, Custom Search Team
Update: As of October 2015 this feature is no longer available.