If you have one of these high-end phones in your pocket, try it out now. You can find information on Custom Search with our
handy CSE mobile search [URL:
http://googlecustomsearch.appspot.com/cse]. Bookmark this on your phone, and you'll have Custom Search information literally at your fingertips. Search for [snippets] or [promotions] or [mobile] to give it a test-drive.
You no longer need to repurpose your content to mobilize your web site. You can use the Custom Search
home page that
we create for you as the preferred
mobile entry point for your website. If you select a
theme for your search engine, your mobile home page will automatically use it. If you switch to a new theme in the Custom Search control panel, your mobile users will immediately see the change. Mobile results will also display thumbnails and actions if you have
marked up your pages.
Your mobile users will just need to type a query to find the best result. Using their smartphone, they can navigate your website using search!
Posted by: Radu Cornea, Software Engineer and Rajat Mukherjee, Group Product Manager