We are excited to announce an expansion of our Custom Search Engine offerings. We offer the following implementation options for Custom Search Engine.
  • Standard Search Element - This free, ads supported search element is easily added to your site with simple javascript, is available for everyone, and has no daily query limit.
  • Nonprofit Search Element - This free search element is available for non-profit groups (such as charities, schools, and governments), and is similar to the Standard Search Element but does not have advertising.
  • JSON API - This API costs $5 per thousand queries, allows programmatic access, and does not have advertising or Google branding. However, this API is limited to 10,000 queries per day.
Today, we are excited to add a fourth implementation option.
  • Site Restricted JSON API - This API is similar to the JSON API above, but there is no daily query cap for Custom Search Engines that search 10 sites or fewer.
Learn more about how to use the Site Restricted JSON API from the developer site, or learn more about the differences between these offerings to help select the implementation option that works best for you.