Thursday, February 16, 2017

Refocusing and looking forward on Custom Search Engine

We have several important announcements that may affect your Custom Search Engine or may require you to make changes to your Custom Search Engine. Please read this post carefully.

Custom Search Engine (CSE) is a great way to build custom search experiences for your website visitors. The search space is evolving rapidly and we want to make sure that CSE continues to evolve to meet the needs of your users, whether they are visiting from desktop or mobile devices. In order for us to achieve this, we first need to clean up some older access points that cannot support the improvements we will be adding.

Beginning in April 2017, the following API access points, and some associated features, will no longer be available:

How to tell if you are using it
What to do instead
V1 API and AutoCSE
Look for the javascript
Move to the current API.
Look for an http request containing a ‘cref’ parameter
Use the CSE control panel to set your CSE configuration.
Webmasters that host annotation files on their website
Use the CSE control panel to input or upload your annotations.
Dynamically extracted links
An included or excluded site uses the “Dynamically extract links from this page” option
Use the CSE control panel to input or upload your annotations
Autocomplete Removals
Search Features → Autocomplete → Custom Autocompletions → excluded or excluded patterns
There will no longer be a way to exclude certain autocompletions.
Autocomplete Promotions
Search Features → Autocomplete → Custom Autocompletions → promotions
There will no longer be a way to show promotions inside autocompletions; however, normal promotions will continue to work.
Ads UI style customization
Look for custom Ad Styles in the AdSense frontend under My Ads → Search Ads → Settings
The Ads UI will now be updated to use the styling of organic search results, which can be updated in the Look and Feel tab of the CSE control panel

We recognize that making these changes may be inconvenient, but cleaning up these old interfaces will allow us to focus on many new and exciting improvements to CSE. We will be modernizing the look and feel of CSE for both desktop and mobile users, improving uptime and latency, and working on the quality of our search results and autocomplete. We look forward to delivering a better CSE experience for webmasters and your website visitors alike.